Showing posts with label successful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label successful. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Powerpoint vs Presentation: The Art of Communicating Effectively

A lot of people would say that the word "powerpoint" is the same as the word "presentation" and, sadly,  a lot more would define "presentation" with the word "powerpoint" embedded somewhere in that definition.

The truth of the matter is that a presentation can exist without a powerpoint and a powerpoint, unfortunately, can also exist without the presentation. Most companies can fill up rooms of powerpoint documents that failed in getting the message and the decisions across but don't blame the powerpoint for it - in most instances, it was a failure in the presentation and not the powerpoint.

I have learned (and I continue to learn now) that there is a process to a successful presentation that does not start with opening up powerpoint (gasp!). Here are some key tips I have learned so far:

1) Key Message - The thought process should start with the key message - what is the one primary objective of the presentation. It can be a sales pitch or a decision driver, for example.

2) Outline - Breakdown the key message into an outline. The art of the presentation starts with an objective and then goes first into a high level story telling approach - what are the key points that would support the objective.

3) Simplify - When you have the outline ready - review it and ask yourself the following questions - is the story build up good?Does it have direction? Does that direction logically lead the audience to the objective? Is there information that you can consider extraneous? Does it fit the time allotted for the presentation?

4) Approach - When you have the high level outline done and you understand what you want the presentation to do - decide next what is the best approach for the presentation. It is not always through a powerpoint document that a presentation becomes effective. It may be best to just stand in front of the crowd and talk them over it or maybe start with a video for that emotional build up or a series of photos to set the stage.

5) Effective Powerpoints - If you do decide on a powerpoint, keep in mind the following tips that I have learned over the years:

  • Keep it simple - each slide must have one message and one message only
  • Word it right - imagine that each slide is a billboard on an interstate and your audience is driving a car on that interstate at speed limit and think about how many words they can read on your billboard as they speed by - that is the number of KEY words that you should have on your powerpoint. Studies vary - from 8 to 10 words.
  • Keep it tight - the message of your slide should be heard and understood within 5-8 seconds. Imagine that you are presenting your slide while inside an elevator - borrowing from the proverbial elevator speech - each slide should only take as much time presenting as a 2 floor ride in that elevator.
  • Images help but don't overdo it - studies have shown that learning is enhanced if senses are involved in the process at the same time. The saying that "a picture speaks a thousand words" still hold.
  • Bottom line - each element in your slide, from that picture to that movie to the words used, must have a distinct value and purpose to be on that slide. If you can't figure that out in 3 seconds - remove it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Four Critical Components in Successful Project Implementations

As most project managers know, having solely a project plan does not guarantee project success. We can fill entire buildings with project plans that are associated with failed projects.

I have found in my experience that there are generally Four Critical Components that a project manager must consider when implementing programs or projects to assess the probability of success for his project.

1. Senior Management Support - this is a key ingredient to success. The project must have full senior management support and this does not mean just financially, but that helps of course, but senior management must believe in the output and must advocate for it to the general business community. This is where excellent stakeholder management skills come into play. A project manager must understand what BUSINESS KPIs are important to senior management, how the project supports those and what is the ONE PROJECT KPI that senior management will protect in times of crisis - cost, schedule, quality, scope?

2. A Solid Strategy - Thee project must tie up to an overall business strategy that can span multiple years and it must be an important part of that strategy. The strategy must be concrete (not just a vague vision), comprehensive, sustainable and drives significant incremental value to the company or client. If the project feels more like an off activity then it probably is a rogue project and we all know that at crunch time - nice to have projects are no match to critical to do projects.

3. An Enabled Talent Pool - we all know this - even the best project plans out there will not bring any benefit to the company and the project if the people leading and executing the plans are not properly enabled and/or not the caliber required by the project. Don't be deceived by some people saying that project managers are generalists - the best project managers I have seen are actually specialists. Not to say that they can't run general projects but they excel in their chosen fields. The project team members must also complement one another, know their roles and must be properly resourced to execute their jobs. The most mature team are those that understand that individual superheroes do more damage than good to a team and at the end of the day - it is the entire project team - working as one - that can deliver successful projects.

4. A Consistent and Appropriate Set of Tools and Processes - from process definition, handovers and even documentation requirements - all of these must be consistent and appropriate for the project being undertaken. A good PM will know the different process and tools (like those from the PMBOK) - a great PM will know which processes and tools will be most effective in the project. Discuss early on in the project what processes will the team follow, who will do what at every task (RACI), what documents will be required at what phase and what tools will be used to create and share project assets across team members. Regularly assess as well how the tools and processes are helping the project and be open to changing them if need be.